The Weak Arm of the Law

I have been a school teacher for more than 15 years, and more than a few times I have had students whom I knew outside of school before they became my student. In some cases, I had built a pretty close relationship with the youngster through the church, the neighborhood, or through family ties. When some of these students came into my class, they were surprised to find out that I did not relate to them in the same way. They were taken back that I could not maintain a relationship with them, and they struggled with feelings of rejection. What happened? On the outside, there were no rules or law systems to keep us from relating to each other freely. Now, there was a law system to be followed and it hindered our relationship. This is precisely what happens to young Christians who receive the good news gladly, and then are told that they have to do something to be a "good Christian." In other words, the law kills our relationship with God; in fact, you can't live for God unde...