
Showing posts from August, 2013

A Pearl of the Gospel

" Husbands, love your wives like Christ loves the Church.." (Ephesian 5:22) There are some passages that I call the Pearls of the Gospel because their deep truths are often seen when you consider the Scripture from a different angle.  For example, husbands are commanded to love their wives like Christ loves the church.  When we consider the Scriptures from a law-based premise, we look at this as a command and do our best to fulfill it. Basically, the surface truth is men must die to themselves in order to truly love their wives.  We know that love is an action word here and not a feeling; however, I do not believe we are commanded to love our wives in a cold, distant, stoic manner which is the way many view God’s love for us.  Moreover, I do not believe God is telling us to love our wives based on their performance or their ability to meet our expectations.  We may say, “Of course not,” and yet, if we are not really convinced, aware and “tapped-in” to th...