Preparing for the Apocalypse

The terms Apocalypse, Armageddon, End Times, End of the World, etc. have become household words in our day, and due to movies and TV shows like The Walking Dead , Supernatural , End of Day s, etc., it seems like the idea of the end of life as we know it is intriguing to many folks. I took some time to watch some of these shows and found that they have little to do with Biblical truth although they are interesting and entertaining. The Book of Revelation is mentioned and images from it are mentioned, but Jesus Christ and His return are missing from the script. That is OK; entertainment is entertainment. And the current crisis in Syria has certainly pushed End Times thinking to the forefront. Likewise, from a Biblical point of view, there are many books, websites, shows, etc. dedicated to End Time Prophecy. Many of the books are concerned with preparing the Saints for the End Times while evangelizing the lost. There is a lot of focus on the Rapt...