
The Tension of Freedom and Responsibilty

  Is freedom the greatest value for a follower of Christ? Did Jesus say that all men will know you are my disciples if you fight for freedom?   Was Jesus' main mission here to bring political freedom from a tyrannical government? We know the answer to that—from a worldly lens, it appeared Jesus had his freedom taken away from a tyrannical government.   Although freedom is a fundamental right, and placed high on our list of core values, there is one value that trumps freedom, and that is love.   The highest value for followers of Christ is love. Paul stated it quite clearly, “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free, but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil, rather, serve one another in love.” Thus, with freedom comes responsibility, the resposibility to love.  The more responsible we are with our freedom, the more we gain; likewise, the less responsible we are with our freedom, the more we lose. As I write this, our nation is reeling from anoth...

Grief, Loss and the Raising of Lazarus

 _____William Lloyd Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead; He knew he was going to raise him, and yet he wept over his death. Why would Jesu weep knowing in a few minutes Lazarus would be alive and well? At first, I thought that Jesus was mourning with those who mourn. He did not weep when Martha came, but instead appealed to Martha’s intellect and faith. He provided her facts with the hope of the resurrection. When Mary came, Jesus wept with her. Perhaps, Mary was more upset evidenced by her crying, and Jesus was meeting her where she was at. It does say that “when Jesus saw her weeping…he was deeply moved.” So, I figured, Jesus was mourning with those who mourn like a good Christian should, and then got  on to the business of raising Lazarus. After my son died, my thoughts on all of this changed. I truly believe that Jesus, being human, grieved for his friend. I also believe that Jesus saw what sin and death is doing to His children. Was this the first time, as Jesus of Nazaret...

Traits of a Pharisee #4 Majoring on the Minors

23  “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.   24  You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. I once heard a preacher ask, "What is easier men, throwing a tithe into the basket or loving your wives on a consistent basis?"  If most men were honest, they would say the former. In John 13,  Jesus said that the mark of discipleship is that we love one another. I left the institutional church a while ago; I outgrew it to be honest. I am still in fellowship with other believers and work with a group of teaching elders that take no salary. We meet at a restaurant/bar on Sunday mornings, so there is no need for money for the gathering.  Do you realize it cost nothing for believers to gather? The ...

Traits of a Pharisee # 3 - Toxic Faith

15  “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. (Matthew 23)     There was a time in my walk with God that I went to tell others God loved them in order to get God to love me.  In other words, I would try to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ and my motivation was to get God to love me.  Bass Ackwards, I know.  I am sure the fact that I really did not believe God loved them either came through somehow and my labor was in vain.  Trait number 3 of a Pharisee is toxic faith in the sense you are trying to pass along your version of the truth rather than simply loving others like Christ. I was questioning within myself once why I did not "witness more," I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You have nothing to tell them; I don't want them to have what you have. You are miserable. You really do...

Traits of a Pharisee (woe is me)

  True confession time: Jesus blasts the Pharisees in Matthew 23. There, he lays out the characteristics of a Pharisee. Let's look at three of them. Trait 1 (verses 1-4)- We do not practice what we preach. If we are honest, we admit that it is so much easier to walk the walk than to talk the talk. I have done this my entire life with a "grace to me, law to you mentality. More recently I've done this to my children countless times; I've demanded things from them that I am incapable of doing. I chastised my daughters for being interested in boys stating, "God 's love should be enough for you. You should be willing to wait to date and don't look to others to meet your needs for love acceptance and forgiveness--look only to God. Meanwhile, for most of my life I've looked to everything on the planet besides God to meet my needs, and as a 55 year old man, I still fall into the trap of looking to other things to meet my needs.       Trait 2 of a Pharisee -...

Pharisees Anonymous

            I was born a Pharisee; even though my family was not religious, I was born a Pharisee. The reason is because every human being is born a Pharisee. Atheists are Pharisees; a fact which will be proven within the pages of this blog. My parents and their parents were Pharisees. I come from a long tradition of Pharisees and have been surrounded by them my whole life. I have carried the banner quite faithfully. Even when I learned the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I became a grace Pharisee. I think you get the picture. It all began on May 18, 1962 in Hoboken, NJ. This day still holds the title for the record high heat for that day in history. It was a wicked 98* which was far above the norm for a day in May for NJ. My mom reports is was 103* in the hospital. Nevertheless, they wrapped me in a little Pharisee robe and handed me to my Pharisee mom. I was born into the world of sin and death with two ways to cope on my own. One way to cope was to ...

"Increase our Faith!!"

There is a lot of teaching about faith these days that has little to do with Biblical Faith. One such teaching is that the increase in faith will bring you health and prosperity whereas the lack of faith is the cause for all of your ills.  For the child of God who has placed his/her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing could be further from the truth.  The truth of the gospel is that not matter what happens in your life, you are an 'heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ." (Romans 8). With that said, there is only one passage, as far as I know up to this point in my studies, where the Apostles of Jesus asked God to increase their faith, and it was tied into Christ's teachings on forgiving others:   “If your brother or sister   sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. 4  Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.” 5  The apostles said to the...