"12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" (Proverbs 12)
We all have longings that need to be fulfilled. We were created with a need, a longing for love, acceptance, forigiveness, meaning and purpose. There is a line from the movie, "Secret Life of the Bees" where Dakota Fanning's character says that she would do anything just to be loved. God created us with these deep longings, and if He created the need for unconditional love and acceptance, and then turned around and refused to meet those needs, He would be cruel, a jokester, a prankster; however, the good news is that God has met all of our personal needs in Jesus, the Tree of Life and the Bread of Life. Jesus tells us in John 6:3 7 "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. " The Greek language here is very, very strong....God is crying out to us, "I will never, never reject you...you're longing to be loved and accepted is fully met in me." When we sick to get those needs met somewhere else, our hope is deferred and our heart is sick. Thank you God that you love me unconditionally, fully accept me and have completely forgiven my sins! Thank you for fulfilling my deepest desire to be loved and accepted, and thank you for the cross of Jesus Christ that provides complete forgiveness of my sins. Amen!