The Elect and the Election

Well, the election is over and quite a number of people, including myself, are shocked. I was shocked because I did not see it coming. I had my high hopes that this country would make at least a little progress towards avoiding inevitable financial disaster. I could not fathom anyone with such poor leadership skills getting elected for a second term; however, I am not going to list all the sins of President Obama and his political machine. I want to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are living in a very divided country that will most likely become a Socialist Democracy if we are not there already. The spirit of anti-christ is alive and well, and it too, has been here a long time, but it is growing stronger every day. So, my question is this: Can God work through the Body of Christ in a Socialist Democracy? Will this shift to Socialism in our Nation thwart the Gospel of Jesus Christ from spreading? The answer is "Of course n...