Repentance is Good Therapy

Psalm 77 is a great example of repentance. Psychologist call it "Cognitive Therapy". It is one idea modern psychology gets right. Repentance means to change one’s thinking, and in this Psalm, Asaph begins relating to God according to how he feels. He states that his soul refused to be comforted. Did you ever feel that way? Notice that he did not say that God refused to comfort him. It was he that refused God’s comfort. Asaph felt comfortable with his misery and the idea of trusting God at his word seemed uncomfortable. However, Asaph made his way by the grace of God to the truth. He changed His thinking by looking at God’s character, God’s faithfulness and God’s work of our behalf. He remembered all of God’s mighty works; in other words, he turned away from his feelings, changed his thinking, and set his thoughts on God. Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ always have a sure foundation to turn to in tim...