Grief, Loss and the Raising of Lazarus

_____William Lloyd Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead; He knew he was going to raise him, and yet he wept over his death. Why would Jesu weep knowing in a few minutes Lazarus would be alive and well? At first, I thought that Jesus was mourning with those who mourn. He did not weep when Martha came, but instead appealed to Martha’s intellect and faith. He provided her facts with the hope of the resurrection. When Mary came, Jesus wept with her. Perhaps, Mary was more upset evidenced by her crying, and Jesus was meeting her where she was at. It does say that “when Jesus saw her weeping…he was deeply moved.” So, I figured, Jesus was mourning with those who mourn like a good Christian should, and then got on to the business of raising Lazarus. After my son died, my thoughts on all of this changed. I truly believe that Jesus, being human, grieved for his friend. I also believe that Jesus saw what sin and death is doing to His children. Was this the first time, as Jesus of Nazaret...