What is Worth Reporting?
3We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints—(Col. 1)
It is evident in Paul's writings that he gets very excited when he hears about people actually placing their trust in Jesus Christ in order to get around to the businesss of loving one another. There are several passages similar to this one where Paul gets excited when he hears reports that the churches are full of faith and love. Nowhere does he ever seem concerned about the size of the church, the amount of money, or even the number of souls 'won for Jesus'. (The truth is Jesus alreay won and none will be lost) Paul is concerned about faith in Christ Jesus. This is foundational, and nothing works without faith in Christ Jesus. Jesus asked if he would find faith on the earth when He returned. Notice, He wants to see faith, not works, numbers or religion. All of the polls out there tell us that the great US OF A is more religious now than it ever has been. Are we better for it? That is debatable, but I wonder how much actual faith in Christ Jesus is out there. Faith in Him alone for our eternal secuity and personal worth. We are to look to nothing else but Him to meet all of our needs. Let me be the first to say that I often look elsewhere to have those needs met. However, the one thing I have become sure enough of is this: IT IS FINISHED! I am eternally secure in my Saviors love. I am convinced-It is just this daily living that causes me to get weird. I want to feel good and be loved by everyone here and now! But faith tells me to turn from these every day and look to Jesus, the Bread of Life on a daily basis. Jesus tells me that if I have faith like that the size of a mustard seed, I may just get about the business of geniunely loving his people. As we admit our failure to totally trust Jesus Christ for our everything, ask for Him to help us in our unbelief, we may just move on to loving the saints-then the world will know....
It is evident in Paul's writings that he gets very excited when he hears about people actually placing their trust in Jesus Christ in order to get around to the businesss of loving one another. There are several passages similar to this one where Paul gets excited when he hears reports that the churches are full of faith and love. Nowhere does he ever seem concerned about the size of the church, the amount of money, or even the number of souls 'won for Jesus'. (The truth is Jesus alreay won and none will be lost) Paul is concerned about faith in Christ Jesus. This is foundational, and nothing works without faith in Christ Jesus. Jesus asked if he would find faith on the earth when He returned. Notice, He wants to see faith, not works, numbers or religion. All of the polls out there tell us that the great US OF A is more religious now than it ever has been. Are we better for it? That is debatable, but I wonder how much actual faith in Christ Jesus is out there. Faith in Him alone for our eternal secuity and personal worth. We are to look to nothing else but Him to meet all of our needs. Let me be the first to say that I often look elsewhere to have those needs met. However, the one thing I have become sure enough of is this: IT IS FINISHED! I am eternally secure in my Saviors love. I am convinced-It is just this daily living that causes me to get weird. I want to feel good and be loved by everyone here and now! But faith tells me to turn from these every day and look to Jesus, the Bread of Life on a daily basis. Jesus tells me that if I have faith like that the size of a mustard seed, I may just get about the business of geniunely loving his people. As we admit our failure to totally trust Jesus Christ for our everything, ask for Him to help us in our unbelief, we may just move on to loving the saints-then the world will know....