Mother's Day and the Mother Heart of God

Altough God has revealed Himself as Father and we call Him our Heavenly Father, and Although Jesus was the Son of God, God does have a feminine side; or better yet, since God is the Creator, and He made us in His image, it is better to say, "God revealed part of Himself when He created the women/feminity. One place where this truth could not be more clear but is often missed is in the Gospel of Luke, chaper 15. In this Chapter, Jesus tells three parables in a row. The last parable is probably the most well known, "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." In this parable God is represented by the father in the story; thus, God the Father is depicted here. The second parable, "The Parable of the Lost Sheep" is also well known. Here God is represented by the Shephard; thus, Jesus, the Good Shephard. So, we have God the Father and God the Son represented in these parables, but smack-dab in the middle of these two parables is "The Parable of the Lost Coin." In this parable, God is represented by the woman who lights the house and sweeps it clean until she finds the lost coin--Here we see the Holy Spirit, the Great Illuminator who shines God's light into our hearts. Here we see that the Holy Spirit is revealed in the feminine. The Holy Spirit is called the comforter...who do we run to for comfort when we are kids? Momma? For the most part. Jesus tells us that the Spirit gives birth to spirit. In the opening chapters of the Scriptures, God says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them." So on this Mother's day, remember that the "motherly instinct", that unconditional, undying love that we have experienced from our mom's is but a small glimpse of the eternal, undying love of God. He put it there in the mom's hearts as a reflection of His image.....