My Jersey Roots
26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.28'For in him we live and move and have our being.' (Acts 17)
I moved to Florida 16 1/2 years ago; I was born and raised in NJ; outside of a 3 month stay in Central America, I spent my whole life there, even attending college at Kean. God came crashing into my life n 1983, and I responded to Him by becoming religious; it put me in bondage rather than setting me free. I married into a co-dependent relationship and eventually left NJ for Florida. I was running from a failed marriage and the tension that it caused with mom, dad, sister and brother. I was running from my failed marriage, my sense of failure, and myself...the only thing was i brought my failed marriage and me with me. When i first moved here, i pretended i was a Floridian. Not that I did not tell people where I was from when they asked; i never volunteered any information. Why? Don't really know. I know I was trying to change myself. Well, Florida did not fix a thing. But God met me where I was at, and He brought me to a beautiful understanding of His mercy and grace. It was not an accident that at the height of my renewal with God that Bruce and E Street got back together, and when I had the time, I went to NJ. That was over 10 years ago. I got a armload of bruce bootlegs, reconnected with family and friends and returned to Florida. I did not realize then that this was connected to my renewal, but when I got back to Florida, I talked about where I came from. I was proud to say, "I am from Jersey." I met my soul-mate, my one true love. She was born in Colorado and raised in Florida and laughed every time I met someone down here who was from NJ. I would talk to them and the fellow jersian almost always knew someone i knew. Carrie made fun of our accents, our peppered language, and our names, but She accepted my roots and i believe was even intrigued by it. During this time of renewal, I read the above verse(which i read many times before) but God made it life to me. I love Florida and believe God called me here for many reasons, but tonight I am thankful for my Jersey roots. I am so thankful that ever time I fly home, Johnny Darcy is waiting in my drive way before my plane even touches down. I am thankful that Dan Dornacker always receives me with open arms and makes sure he sees me. I am thankful that Bob Bonavito tells me that his life is so beautiful but the only thing missing is me. I am thankful for my mom and dad who moved me to the jersey shore when I was 3. I am thankful that I went k-12 in the same house and neighborhood. I am thankful that my brother and sister forgive me for my years in the wilderness...i am thankful that my brother and sister have settled in Brick making me the black sheep of the family but guaranteeing that when mom and dad pass on, i will always have somewhere to go. I am thankful for my aunts, uncles, and cousins who love me and support me, and are always ready to share a "little billy" story. I am thankful for Red Margadonna for staying in NJ when he could have come to FLA. He may be the last great hope for the conservatives. I am thankful tor Letitia green for keeping the streets on NJ safe. i am thankful for Tony Giordano for realizing that you can take the boy out of jersey, but you can't take jersey out of the boy...He had a vision for me to come to Giant's Stadium for the final shows, and when Bruce stepped out and sang wrecking ball, I cried. It was then that it hit me that I was running from something that God intended to bring joy, beauty and riches into my life. Bob Bonavito scored an amazing touch down on that field in a state championship game and when bruce sang, "I've seen champions come and go..." I yelled, "Shit! He is singing about you Bobby.(me too....i sat the bench in giant's stadium, but i was there) I am thankful for all of my HS friends who friend requested me on FB or accepted my request. It is good to be back in touch with my roots. I love you all and pray God's grace, mercy and love to surround you now and forever.
"I was raised out of steel in the swamps of Jersey so many years ago
Through the blood and the beer, the sweat and the tears,
I've seen champions come and go....." (B. Springsteen)
The best stories are those where the most difficult and most avoided aspect becomes central to the story... and your story is that... you ran everywhere, dragging the worst part with you in your soul.
And then you came home, and the worst part was healed, and the scars became the best part.
My hog ain't got no heat, but there might be enough sun left to make it to Jersey, if I ride like the wind. "Gypsy biker, com'n home"