Christ in You or Christ in Christmas

I've seen Christians go to extremes to both sides of the Christmas argument. There are some who claim that the Christmas traditions have its roots in pagan traditons, and thus, should be ignored by the "sold out" believers. Some have even made the contention that it is satan's way of getting us to worship him. Others get ornery towards the commercialism of it all and insist we keep Christ in Christmas and adopt an "almost" self-righteous attitude towards those that say "Happy Holidays".
I think for God, it is 'much to do about nothing.' How can I say that?
There is no Scriptural mandate to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Nowhere is Scripture are we commanded, encouraged or told to celebrate His birth. However, according to the above verse and other parts of the Bible, we have the freedom to do just that. If others don't wish to, they have the freedom to do just that. Christ is more interested in saving you and living in you and with you rather than having his name included in our traditions and celebrations. There was no room for him at the inn-He was not offended. I am quite sure He is not offended by Happy Holidays. His heart did break at Calvary though for the pain and heartache sin brings into the world. The heart of the gospel is through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God forgives and separates us from our sins so our spirits could be made new and have His very LIFE living in our spirit. Paul stated, 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col. 1) Before Christ made my spirit new and came into my heart, Christmas was all about family, getting stuff and giving stuff. It was about our family slowing down and coming together. When I became a believer, I vascilated between the two extremes, but as a whole, it was still about giving stuff, getting stuff and family. I love the season and all the fun I have with my wife and kids. Christ is in me all year, and as far as my relationship with God goes, it is just another day. Every day He loves me; every day I seek to be thankful for
Jesus Christ doing for me what I could not do for myself. If you have never experienced what I am talking about, simply receive God's gift this Christmas. "To all who received in Him; to those who believed on His Name, God gives the right to be called "children of God." (John1)