
Showing posts from 2013

Straight Talk About Homosexuality

Straight Talk About Homosexuality Lord, I seek to love others the way you have loved me—completely and unconditionally my entire life.  There is a lot of hurt and hatred in our land; I can’t say I totally know your mind in this situation, but I believe what you told us; You Are Love, and You so loved the world that you died for us, and whosoever believes can come and find love that will take an eternity to fathom.  May you use this writing to bring healing. 1.       Nothing Gay About It   I dug out an old dictionary and looked up the word gay, and it said, “a merry, gleeful mood.” I then logged onto, and the first definition was, “ pertaining to, or exhibiting sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex; homosexual .”   How the word evolved from “donning our gay apparel at Christmas” to “fighting for gay rights and gay marriage,” is not important, but I do remember a friend ...

Preparing for the Apocalypse

     The terms Apocalypse, Armageddon, End Times, End of the World, etc. have become household words in our day, and due to movies and TV shows like The Walking Dead , Supernatural , End of Day s, etc., it seems like the idea of the end of life as we know it is intriguing to many folks.  I took some time to watch some of these shows and found that they have little to do with Biblical truth although they are interesting and entertaining. The Book of Revelation is mentioned and images from it are mentioned, but Jesus Christ and His return are missing from the script. That is OK; entertainment is entertainment. And the current crisis in Syria has certainly pushed End Times thinking to the forefront.   Likewise, from a Biblical point of view, there are many books, websites, shows, etc. dedicated to End Time Prophecy.   Many of the books are concerned with preparing the Saints for the End Times while evangelizing the lost. There is a lot of focus on the Rapt...

A Pearl of the Gospel

" Husbands, love your wives like Christ loves the Church.." (Ephesian 5:22) There are some passages that I call the Pearls of the Gospel because their deep truths are often seen when you consider the Scripture from a different angle.  For example, husbands are commanded to love their wives like Christ loves the church.  When we consider the Scriptures from a law-based premise, we look at this as a command and do our best to fulfill it. Basically, the surface truth is men must die to themselves in order to truly love their wives.  We know that love is an action word here and not a feeling; however, I do not believe we are commanded to love our wives in a cold, distant, stoic manner which is the way many view God’s love for us.  Moreover, I do not believe God is telling us to love our wives based on their performance or their ability to meet our expectations.  We may say, “Of course not,” and yet, if we are not really convinced, aware and “tapped-in” to th...

Repentance is Good Therapy

Psalm 77 is a great example of repentance. Psychologist call it "Cognitive Therapy". It is one idea modern psychology gets right.   Repentance means to change one’s thinking, and in this Psalm, Asaph begins relating to God according to how he feels.   He states that his soul refused to be comforted.   Did you ever feel that way?   Notice that he did not say that God refused to comfort him.   It was he that refused God’s comfort.    Asaph felt comfortable with his misery and the idea of trusting God at his word seemed uncomfortable.   However, Asaph made his way by the grace of God to the truth.   He changed His thinking by looking at God’s character, God’s faithfulness and God’s work of our behalf.   He remembered all of God’s mighty works; in other words, he turned away from his feelings, changed his thinking, and set his thoughts on God.   Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ always have a sure foundation to turn to in tim...

Speak the Truth or Go Home

7 After the Lord had said these things to Job , he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. " (Job 42)      God told Job's friends that He was angry with them because they misrepresented the Almighty.  In a nut shell, Job's friends told him that all of the suffering he was going through was because God was punishing Him for His sins.  They were playing the blame game.  Unfortunately, this goes on today in the Body of Christ--a place where it certainly does not belong.  If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, God will not ever punish you for your sins. God is just, and it would be unjust for Him to punish a believer in Jesus Christ. Why? Because God has punished all of our sins at the cross. There is His justice. Not only were our sins punished, but they were taken away--the root of forgiveness means to send away; we are separated from ...