Illegal Aliens and The Bible

33 " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
God is not a right winged conservative. Now, I can talk politics and air my opinions as good as the next guy, but when it came to the illegal alien issue, I always kept my mouth shut because I did not know where I stood. So, I decided to see if the Bible said anything about it, and this is what I found from Leviticus 19:33: " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. " I thought, "WOW!" Christians shoud be very careful how they approach this issue. God does not play by the rules of the USA. Some claim our Country is built on God's rules--well, what about this one? I hear a lot of Christians speak in a hateful tone about the illegal aliens situation. What is the calling of a Christian concerning the illegals?--as always our calling is to love one another. According to Jesus that is the only mark of a disciple. If we get on our soapbox about the illegals and their rule breaking, we run the risk of becoming like the pharisees--clean on the outside but full of self righteousness and popmpous platitudes. Don't get too mad at me because I have a great idea that will solve this problem. The Bible also says that if a man does not work, he does not eat. We all know that there are throngs of able bodied men in this country sitting around doing nothing--collecting money, living off of others and not taking care of their children. I would take a million hard working illegals who want a better life for their families over five hundred of these loafers. So, lets export every lazy, dead beat, dead wood, non working able bodied man to mexico and other countries. Seems fair doesn't it? This way we can fulfill our calling to love one another. We can love the illegals treating them as our own, and exercise tough love towards the loafers! And always remember, the real power is not and never was in Washington...It is within you...The same power that raised Christ from the dead is living in you always empowering you to love.
It's too much effort to love these folks. I spend all my time trying to drive with them or fly the friendly skies!
Now you have come along and smacked me over the head with Scripture that specifically says "Love 'em and let 'em in" and I am blessed. I am blessed that you send these emails to me in the hopes that I will learn and obey God in my constant struggle to reach the mark. How is it, Mrs Sanford, that after 35 years, you are still teaching me new and exciting things in God's Word? I can only share with you that you are a constant source of light in my life that not only illuminates my ignorance, but the brightness drives it away. Thanks for the love!
I will take these scriptures and run with them and I will do better and be a better Christian for them. They are spot on and absolute in their meaning. Let the aliens come.
Your Friend