True Repentance

The word repentance literally means to change one's mind. A change in thinking; aka, faith is the first step on our journey of discipleship with Jesus Christ. Repentance has been misconstrued through the years to mean changing one's behavior. To be accepted by God; therefore, one would have to change their behavior (turn away from their sins) and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This is a faulty view of repentance which can be damaging. We can not change our behavior--that is the problem and that is precisely why Jesus Christ came. He came saying, "Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus followed up his command for repentance with the phrase "the Kingdom of heaven is near." If repentance is a change in thinking, why did he say, "The Kingdom of heaven is near?" Jesus said it because in order to recognize the Kingdom of God coming upon them, they had to change their thinking concerning the Kingdom of God. Israel's expectation of the Messiah ushering in the Kingdom of God was that the King would come, whip the crap out of the Romans, kick them out of Israel and make Israel great again. The idea of a Servant King coming to take away the sins of the world through a sacrificial death was totally foreign to them; in fact, it would take a 180* change in thinking to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Likewise, today, there needs to be a 180* change in our thinking about God, ourselves and what it means to be in Christ. Because we live in a performance based society filled with laws and expectations, we naturally think that is how God relates to us. The gospel declares that being in Christ has nothing to do with our performance, circumstances or adherence to any law system. This is foreign and hard to grasp and must come by a revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Excellent! True repentance as you described it leads to faith, hope and love. False repentance (behavior modification or feelings)leads to despair ot pride.
We must repent (change our thinking) about ourselves our place in the world, our dependance on the world system to total dependence upon Christ.
Something radically different was ushered in by Jesus that is contrary to normal thinking.
As a result we must change our thinking.
We are now lead by the Spirit, not by the flesh (our former way of thinking) into living by faith, not law, freeing us to live by faith, hope and love.
Only in this way can we fulfill the law of Christ to love God and each other.
Thanks again.
Good words, thanks for your thoughts about this subject. I would only add that once you accept this new view of repentance Jesus does lift the great burden we all seem to carry to preform and feel extremely guilty everytime we fail which in my case is daily.
God Bless!!
Gary Jones