The Body-Soul-Spirit Connection

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
(proverbs 14:30)
Long before modern science discovered how our emotions effect our health, God was telling us to change our thinking in order to improve our quality of life. In this case, Solomon picked envy as the emotion that would rot the bones. Likewise, anxiety, fear, hate, anger and resentment are emotions that will destroy our physical health if left untreated by the "Bishop and Overseer of our souls." (1Peter) Bill Ewing in the book Living By Design writes,
(proverbs 14:30)
Long before modern science discovered how our emotions effect our health, God was telling us to change our thinking in order to improve our quality of life. In this case, Solomon picked envy as the emotion that would rot the bones. Likewise, anxiety, fear, hate, anger and resentment are emotions that will destroy our physical health if left untreated by the "Bishop and Overseer of our souls." (1Peter) Bill Ewing in the book Living By Design writes,
"We've established that a human being is made up of a spirit, soul, and body. Prior to Christ coming into your life, those three parts interacted in a certain way, and they did so by default
according to the way they were conditioned by the influences of the world. Although your spirit has been made new, your body and soul may still function under these automatic, default settings." In other words, your emotions will more than often not reflect the truth that you are a new creations in Christ; that you are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus; that God is in control and is right now working all things together for you good. When we believe otherwise, our emotions get the best of us, and we put unnecessary stress in our bodies. Harmful emotions trigger a stress reaction that effects every cell in our body. The stress reaction is a God given response to stress that is only supposed to last a short time and settle down quickly. However, if it is prolonged due to stuffing it, carrying it, letting it rule us, it will affect our health. What is the cure? Positive Thinking--I think not. The problem with positive thinking by itself is that sometimes, life really does suck. Positive Thinking is good when you can find someting positive. For example, my daughter Grace and I were crossing the parking lot at Target to meet my wife who was already in the store. A young man came by in his car and his music was blasting--the bass was so loud our feet vibrated as he passed--it was most annoying and I started to get angry. But it was such a beautiful, sunny, breezy, tropical, balmy day. I was with my little girl and the love of my life. So, I said, "Look Gracie, that man is sharing his music with all of us. he probably just got a new stereo system and he is sharing it! People are great!' Saying this immediately changed my mood. I was smiling and laughing. I went in and told my wife the exact same thing and I was laughing even more. This was a very light situation where positive thinking worked. But like I said, sometimes living in these sin cursed bodies in this sin cursed world needs more than that. And the MORE is God Himself living in us and all of the spiritual blessings and realities given to us in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as our soul used to take its cue from the world system, now our soul looks to Christ and our spiritual union with Him. It is in this union that we find "A heart at peace" that "gives life to the body." As we meditiate on these truths and sort things out with God's counsel, we will enjoy better physical and emotional health. We need to eat well, think well and move well to obtain optimal health and realize our potential in Christ. My brother, Dr. Scott Lloyd and many other health professionals believe that the thought component is the most vital. Repentance literally means to change your thinking. A child of God has every reason to change their thinking about themselves, their circumstances and their contentment in life. 23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. (1Thes. 5)