Oh How the Mighty Fall

Another sex scandal is in the news. This time it is the Gov. of NY. The fact that Governor Spitzer was known to "fight corruption" makes it worse in the eyes of many. "Hypocrite!" they yell. Well, of course. When will we ever learn? Men are men and God is God. On the surface, Governor Spitzer is very hypocritical, but what we all have to come to grips with is the fact that the law can not produce righteousness. We think it can, and we try, try again to make it work through self-effort with our flavor of the law, but ultimately we fail, no matter how far we climb. Many preachers and politicians will fight publicly what they are battling privately. It is said of preachers that the thing they rail against the most is what they are personally struggling with--it is the thing they want to do the most; psychology calls it reaction-formation. As good an act the Governor put on in public, I am sure he was a tortured soul who could not break the cycle of lusting after power and sex. If he is wise, he may just see this as God's grace in his life. God stepping in to stop him dead in his tracks so that he can cry out to God Almighty for forgiveness, life, peace, and the empowerment to live a new life. That is what God offers us in Christ. Because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Gov. Spitzer can enjoy complete forgiveness, total acceptance, and a place amongst those who have been made righteous and holy by the blood of Jesus Christ; those who have no righteousness of their own, but cling fervently to the righteousness God offers through Christ. A righteousness that can not be produced by the law, but by the Spirit of the Living God in us and through us. And we who have been made righteous by and through Jesus Christ; who are learning to depend on Him alone and know our own weakness...let us all say, "There but by the grace of God go I."
good blog Bill.