The pain of separtation is something that we all live with. Be it death, divorce, deployment, or alienation, separation is painful. Perhaps the greatest pain of separation is when two people drift apart emotionally, mentally and spiritually, yet they live together, drive together, eat together and sleep together. Mankind has suffered the pain of separation ever since the garden. We have also tried to fill the eternal dark void with everything under the sun only to come full circle, where we once again stare down that dark, empty road. The sad truth is that God has solved the separation problem with the gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ destroys separation and creates union. UNION with a capital U! The Scriptures are quite clear that Jesus lives in us and we live in Him. It is quite clear in Romans 6 that we have been joined inseparably to Christ in His death burial and resurrection. It is quite clear in Romans 7 that we are married to Christ. And my favorite passage of union is John 14:20, "In that day you will realize that I am in my Father, you are in me, and I am in you." This is something God has done through Christ. No longer are we separated--there is no longer a dark, eternal void separating you from your Maker. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are filled with light, love and goodness. The sad thing is that many believers still approach God out of a position of separation. God is somewhere else, you are here, and you have to evoke his presence, blessing; or at least keep Him from cursing you. We accept our union with Christ by faith. God has done these things, and we may not see enough evidence of it in our lives yet, but we are to believe and trust God at his word, and as we do that, we will more and more begin to live out of union rather than separation.