Raw For 30 Days--Day 16

My wife Carrie and I are eating raw for 30 days. This means that we do not eat anything that is cooked or processed in any way. Or, as Jack Lalanne said, "If God did not make it, don't eat it." I had the holidays in December, my daughters birthday in January, and my parents 3 week visit in February. These wonderful events included a spree of eating a less healthy diet; Therefore, the first days of eating raw brought on a detoxification--I did not feel that great. Understanding the detoxification process makes us aware of just how much junk we put in our bodies. One of the simple components of raw eating is the enzyme component. It takes enzymes to digest your food. Raw food has the enzymes in it to digest it. When we cook and process food, we kill the enzymes; thus, our bodies have to produce the enzymes. The raw food will give us energy, the processed food will not. Furthermore, processed foods spike our blood sugar levels, increase our glycemic load, cause cravings and seriously mess with our insulin levels. Eating raw is not restrictive. I eat all day long. I grab an apple, carrot, handful of seeds, spinach, kale, etc. whenever I want. Carrie and I have been making creative salads every night. Our diet includes any fruit or vegetable, nuts, seeds, raw almond butter, raw sushi grade tuna, raw goat cheese, brocoli slaw and juiced vegetables. I have not been hungry; I have been satisfied. Following the 30 day raw only days, I plan to implement the 80-20 rule. All of my foods will be 80% raw and 20 percent whatever else I want it to be...If you click the link on this page, you will find an awesome video about 10 diabetics who went on a raw for 30 day diet. After eating raw, they began producing insulin and reversed their diabetes. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit...it is the only body in this life we will get. We can really feel better. I see too many believers who eat like ^%$#&, and when their bodies break down, they expect a miracle from God. Don't get me wrong....we are free to eat whatever we want....there is no condemnation whatsoever, but we are not to use this freedom as an occasion for the flesh...I believe many Christians are on bondage to the addictive foods our modern culture has put out there...more to come........