You're a Great Person

You have probably said of someone in your life, "He is a great person." However, you would probably hesitate to say of yourself, "I am a great person." You may think that you were tooting your own horn. And if you did say it, it would probably be in the context of self defense in which you really did not mean it. In the back of your mind, subconciously, you struggle with thinking your not good enough constantly countering that with false humility and false pride saying something pseudo-spiritual and blasphemous to the gospel like, "I'm just a sinner saved by grace." As one person struggling with addiction said, "I am an ego maniac with an inferiority complex. The truth of the gospel is that you are great! Psalm 18:35 declares, "You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great." In the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has done for you what you can't do for yourself. He has made you great. God, the Creator of the Universe, stooped down, became a man. He took away our sins at the cross, made us spiritually alive, and thus, a new person in His resurrection, and seated us with Him in His ascenstion. He has made us great. Knowing that we are a great person needs to be part of our daily self-talk; we need not go around telling others. When we believe the truth of who we are in Christ, the Spirit of God allows us to live out of that knowing. And remember, the greatest of these is to love others. Knowing that God has made us great allows us to forget about ourselves and actually love someone else. Believe the gospel of the good news that you are great and watch what happens.
Thanks for posting that reminder. Unfortunately we are great people spiritually living in a not so great human sinful body. However, I believe as we learn to focus more on God and being in his presence spiritually through the day we can defeat our sinful flesh. I am reading a book now entitled "The Practice of the Presenceof God" by Brother Lawrence which focuses on continually living in the presence of God.