Going Green

We live in a day where the words spirituality, “spiritual connection” and faith-based are very popular. The organic/health-food/ and “green” movement often uses these words in conjunction with their brand of “spirituality” which is often humanistic and rooted in the New Age Movement.

True spirituality is essential to human health and well-being, but true spirituality is only found in “being made alive with Christ.” It must be centered and grounded in the Person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since the “spirituality” presented with the organic, “go green” movement is often humanistic and self centered, Christians seem to shy away from any involvement in these areas. However, I believe we should be out front leading the way in all areas of nutrition, stress management and overall health.

Part of this blog will give the Christian Community information that encourages them to live the abundant life in all areas-body, soul and spirit.

Today, I would like to recommend a book called Living By Design. It is written by Ray D. Strand, M.D. and Bill Ewing.


MagicHappens said…
May I recommend a Enagic Kangen Water SD501 system that will make your whole life Green, from the obvious Alkaline water, Ionized hexagonal, anti-oxident properties, to the fact that you'll never have to buy laundry or house cleaners again, and how about preventive dental health, try using 2.5 acid kangen water in your water pick, I did, what a difference.
Look me up at www.KangenWaterMagic.com get the e-book, the newsletter and prepare to really go GREEN with Kangen water.
Blessings from above are all in the water.

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